Uploading Charts to TradeLens AI

TradeLens AI supports multiple ways to upload your trading charts for analysis. Choose the method that works best for you.

Upload Methods

Drag & Drop

Simply drag your chart image and drop it into the upload area.

Paste from Clipboard

Copy your chart image and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac) in the upload area.

File Upload

Click the upload button to select a chart image from your device.

Upload Process

Using Drag & Drop

  1. 1Save your chart as an image file (PNG or JPG)
  2. 2Open the upload page on TradeLens AI
  3. 3Drag the image file and drop it in the upload area

Using Clipboard Paste

  1. 1Take a screenshot of your chart (using Snipping Tool or similar)
  2. 2The image is automatically copied to your clipboard
  3. 3Click the upload area and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac)

Important Notes

  • • Maximum file size: 10MB
  • • Supported formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG
  • • Minimum resolution: 800x600 pixels
  • • Images should be clear and uncompressed

Ready to Upload?

Start analyzing your trading charts with our AI-powered platform.