Uploading Charts to TradeLens AI
TradeLens AI supports multiple ways to upload your trading charts for analysis. Choose the method that works best for you.
Upload Methods
Drag & Drop
Simply drag your chart image and drop it into the upload area.
Paste from Clipboard
Copy your chart image and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac) in the upload area.
File Upload
Click the upload button to select a chart image from your device.
Upload Process
Using Drag & Drop
- 1Save your chart as an image file (PNG or JPG)
- 2Open the upload page on TradeLens AI
- 3Drag the image file and drop it in the upload area
Using Clipboard Paste
- 1Take a screenshot of your chart (using Snipping Tool or similar)
- 2The image is automatically copied to your clipboard
- 3Click the upload area and press Ctrl+V (Cmd+V on Mac)